Weekly Events

Weekly Activities

Wednesday Evening

7: 00 pm – 8: 30 pm

Meditation class

Saturday Morning

8: 00 am – 9: 00 am

Tai Chi

Saturday Evening

7: 00 pm – 8: 00 pm

Group chanting

8: 00 pm – 9: 00 pm

Dharmma discourse

Sunday Morning

9: 00 am – 12 : 00 pm

Sunday School

9: 00 am – 10: 45 am

Chanting, sitting meditation and dharmma discourse

11: 15 am – 11: 45 am

Grand offering to Buddhas

Group Chanting and Dharma Discourse on Saturday

The daily practice of a practitioner of the Pure Land Buddhism often involves the recitation of the Amitabha Buddha Sutra. While reading the descriptions in the sutra, one should visualize the virtues and magnificence of the Western Pure Land created by the Amitabha Buddha. With practice of the ten skillful actions (abstain from killing, abstain from stealing, abstain from sexual misconduct, abstain from lying, abstain from backbiting, avoid abusive words and idle talk, no greed, no hatred, no delusion) as foundation, one strengthens his/her faith, aspiration and practice as the three provisions of rebirth in the pure land and the journey towards enlightenment. Every Saturday from 7 pm to 8 pm, we chant the Amitabha Buddha Sutra and recite the Amitabha Buddha’s name together.   Following the session of group chanting, from 8 pm to 9 pm, a Dharma discourse will be given by the venerable monks, the end of which is spared for question and answer.  The chance of being born as a human is very rare, so is of hearing the Dharma. Listening to the Buddha’s teaching timely is the gate to enlightenment and a blissful life. The residential monks of Zhu-Lin teach Dharma in turn every week. Recently Ven. Zhen Jing is lecturing the Dhammapada, an important collection of Buddha’s teaching in Theravada tradition.

Chanting Ceremony on Sunday

The programs on Sundays begin with group chanting of the Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva from 9 am to approximately 10:30 am. From 11 am to about 11:45 am, the ceremony of grand offering to the Buddhas is held. At the end, merits of this practice are dedicated to family members of the attendees and all people in the world for a common wellbeing. At midday, a free vegetarian lunch is offered to the public. The kitchen volunteers cook delicious food for the public every week to make good affinities with people, hoping to attain Buddhahood together in the future.

Meditation Class on Wednesday

Guided Vipassana (insight) meditation session every Wednesday night from 7pm to 9pm, conducted in English. This is the mental development of the three activities in Buddhist cultivation, with the other two being alms-giving and morality. The session will start with a half hour walking meditation followed by half an hour sitting meditation. Group sharing and a Dharma talk comprise the rest of the session. Anyone who wants to join the class please contact Ven. Ding Yi: lingng002@gmail.com  

Sunday School

From 9 am to 12:30 a.m. on Sundays, the students of Rushi children’s school, led by volunteer teachers, will study Buddhism, Chinese culture, and carry out various recreational activities. Profound Buddhist philosophy permeates daily rituals, and the long-standing culture condenses into strings, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Through interesting activities and vivid teachings which are combined with music, dance, drama, and other elements, in a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, teachers and students nourish good roots and accumulate merits. Parents who are willing to let their children experience Chinese culture and Buddhism cultivation, as well as those who are interested in volunteering in the school, please contact the headteacher Mr. Jason: rscs.sa@gmail.com

Tai Chi Class

Tai Chi class at Zhu Lin Temple had its beginnings in 2000, instructed by Mr. Charles Tran. The Tai Chi Chuan that we are training here stems from the seventh generation of Shao-Lin Tai Chi Praying Mantis style. Master “Zhao Zhuxi” who taught “Taiji and Praying Mantis martial arts” when he travelled to Vietnam recruited 12 disciples there, among whom master Dieu Huy Chiang was the youngest and he is the teacher of Mr. Tran. At present, Master Jiang is still training in Boston the “Zhuxi Tai Chi Praying Mantis martial arts”. He is now 83 years old. Mr. Tran has been teaching Tai Chi Praying Mantis for 44 years since 1977. It is his pleasure to volunteer to teach the class for the community and encourage everyone to exercise. The class takes place from 8 am to 9 am on Saturdays. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join the class. At Zhulin Temple, not only Tai Chi was taught, but also Praying Mantis martial arts were taught to young people. Two of the students have been practicing with Mr. Tran for more than 20 years and are still doing so.

Trainer: Charles Tran

All activities above are free and open to the general public.